Large Ponds / Lakes

This section focuses on the larger plants available for bigger ponds and lakes. No matter what size your watergarden is or which climate you live in, we have something for you here!

IAP Vallisneria gigantea

The largest of the Vallisneria species, this plant produces dark green leaves that can grow to several feet in length, although they usually limit their height to match the depth of their water. Good in large aquariums or in ponds. A good oxygenator and hiding place for baby fish. Zone 4

IAP Vallisneria gigantea
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average rating 100%
$3.99 IAP779 Quantity:
IAP Echinodorus rosaefolia

Large, deep red leaves up to 12 inches long and 1 inche wide. Leaves turn dark green with age. Needs a good deal of light to maintain best color. When well planted this species can be unbelievably beautiful. Grows well in outdoor ponds in a foot or two of water. In shallow water, it will rise above the water with green, ovate leaves. It should be planted in any pot with sand with soil underneath. Not suitable for use in Koi ponds.

Be the first one to write a review $5.99 IAP001 Quantity:
IAP Water Hyssop 'Hairy' - Bacopa lenagera

Larger, fleshier version of Bacopa. An excellent plant for the edges of ponds, where there might be some unsightly concrete showing. Bright green leaves arranged along a creeping stem which will grow to several feet in length. Plant will form floating or prostrate colonies which will cover areas of open water or pond/stream embankments. Will tolerate traffic, frost, extreme heat, and can be used to stabilize wet hilsides. It produces small lavender blossoms all summer. It can be anchored with gravel or small stones in shallow water areas.(1-2" of water)

Be the first one to write a review $5.49 IAP008 Quantity:
IAP Water Sprite - Ceratopteris thalictroides

Also known as Indian fern, water fern, Oriental waterfern, and water hornfern. Water Sprite, Ceratopteris thalictroides, is one of the most beautiful plants in the aquarium or pond. It is also one of the easiest to grow. A planted specimen will reach the tank's surface and produce numerous offspring right on the leaves. The offspring can be planted immediately to start the process over. Floating colonies of small plants provide excellent coverage for baby fish. Leaves are fern-like, heavily incised on the margins, bright green, and can reach lengths of a foot, or more. Can be accomodated to any size aquarium, but larger tanks can hold large, beautiful, lush specimens.

IAP Water Sprite - Ceratopteris thalictroides
Average rating:
average rating 100%
$6.99 IAP789 Quantity:
IAP Water Wisteria - Hygrophila difformis

Hygrophila diformis is one of the most versatile of all aquatic plants. For the aquarist, this is one of the plants that make water gardening worthwhile. Leaves are bright green, large, and showy. They are deeply incised on their margins and, in the extreme case, have an almost ferny appearance. Our photo here hardly does it justice. In the proper setting, they are easy to grow and can be quite beautiful.
For the pond keeper, this plant offers a flowery edge treatment. Please see IBP158

IAP Water Wisteria - Hygrophila difformis
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average rating 100%
$4.99 IAP409 Quantity:
IBP Bog Lily - Crinum americanum

Crinum produces one of the most beautiful inflorescences in the water gardening world. Above its strap-like leaves, on a thick stem, are 3 -7 large, strongly fragrant, white flowers, each of which has five narrow petals. Plants will grow to 18 inches tall and produces runners which will eventually form a colony in a pot or large bog setting. USDA ZONES 8-11

IBP Bog Lily - Crinum americanum
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average rating 100%
$8.99 IBP127 Quantity:
IBP Bog Lily Red Leaved - Crinum americanum 'Sangria' - Large plant

*This is a very large plant shipped out.* Grows 1' to 3' tall with striking burgundy strap leaves. Has beautiful pink, showy, amaryllis-like late spring and fall flowers. Prefers full sun to part shade. Extra cold hardiness compared to the standard purple-leaf crinum. USDA ZONES 8-11

Be the first one to write a review $26.99 IBP105 Quantity:
IBP Calla Lily - 'Green Goddess' - Zantedeschia aethiopica

Very much like the standard Calla except that the normally pure white flower is suffused with green. Flowers are large and numerous. Grows to 2 feet tall, in water or out. Full sun to part shade. USDA ZONES 8-10

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IBP Calla Lily - Zantedeschia aethiopica

This is the classic Calla Lily that has been a part of gardening for so long. It does, indeed, grow in shallow water. Its large dark green leaves and bright white flowers add a nice touch to any pond. Grows in full sun to part shade. USDA ZONES 8-10

Be the first one to write a review $8.99 IBP125 Quantity:
IBP Canna 'Black Knight'

Large, dark red to maroon leaves grow as tall as 6 or 7 feet in height, and are topped with red flowers. Will grow in full sun or partial shade. Makes a great addition to any large water garden. Deer resistant. USDA ZONES 2-10

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IBP Canna 'Pretoria'

A water canna with yellow-orange flowers and green leaves, striped with white. Another strikingly variegated specimen and a great addition to the bog section of a medium to large pond. Zones 8-11.

Be the first one to write a review $8.99 IBP012 Quantity:
IBP Canna 'Tall Yellow'

This one was added to our collection this past spring. We do not know its name, but it grows to about 8 feet tall, produces bright yellow flowers, has green leaves, and will grow with its feet in the water, which makes it of interest to us. Excellent for use in large settings.

Be the first one to write a review $6.99 IBP141 Quantity:
IBP Common Cattail - Typha latifolia

This is the common Cattail that virtually everyone is familiar with. The leaves grow up to 10 feet tall and 3/4 of an inch wide. It flowers in late spring/early summer and produces 'cattails' in late summer and fall. Good in large ponds as a vertical accent in a background. Easy to grow, dormant in winter. .**** Restrictions: Sorry, but we can't ship this item to Puerto Rico. ****

IBP Common Cattail - Typha latifolia
Average rating:
average rating 100%
$4.99 IBP106 Quantity:
IBP Corkscrew Rush 'Unicorn' - Juncus effusus 'Unicorn'

Larger version of Corkscrew Rush. The stems are spiralled,or corkscrewed, which creates an interesting effect. Grows up to 2 feet high and forms clumps which can be divided every couple of years. It can be anchored with gravel or small stones in shallow water areas.(1-2" of water)

Be the first one to write a review $6.99 IBP077 Quantity:
IBP Creeping Burhead - Echinodorus cordifolius

Stout, erect bog plant that often grows up to 2 feet tall and has large, bright green, chordate leaves. Leaves are frequently larger than a man's hand and are held on stems which can grow up to 2 feet long. The 1 inch wide white flowers are held in clusters of up to a dozen or more along a long, branched stem at 4 to 5 inch intervals. Adventitious daughter plants are produced from the same area as the flowers and will root freely when they come into contact with moist soil or water. This is a useful plant along the edge of a pond or in a bog. The flowers are seen from spring through summer.

Be the first one to write a review $5.99 IBP024 Quantity:
IBP Dwarf Giant Papyrus - Cyperus percamenthus 'King Tut'

A nice compact version of the standard Egyptian Papyrus. Large fluffy "mops" of green on short triangular stems. Very cute in small ponds, or a good height scale planted in areas with taller plants. Grows to about 3' in height. Prefers full sun to part shade. USDA ZONES 9-11

Be the first one to write a review $8.99 IBP116 Quantity:
IBP Giant Arrowhead - Sagittaria montevidensis

Sagittaria montevidensis ~~ One of the more intriguing members of the genus. Large, stiff, sagitate leaves are produced at the end of thick stems. Plants can grow up to 3 feet tall, but are usually 1.5 feet tall. The flowers are the best part. They are like large versions of the typical Sagittaria flower with a large dark red spot at the bottom of each petal. Plants form clusters which may be divided during the growing season. Unless protected form winter cold and complete dormancy, this is an annual sp. and must reseed to come back. Not to worry, though, each plant will produce thousands of seeds during the summer, many of which will germinate in shallow water. Plants may be lifted and moved into a greenhouse for more assured survival. ZONE 8 Flowers July, August, September ***** Restrictions: Sorry, but we can't ship this item to Puerto Rico. *****

Be the first one to write a review $8.99 IBP033 Quantity:
IBP Giant Marsh Marigold - Caltha polypetala

A larger version of the standard Marsh Marigold. The flowers are yellow, with 5 petals. The heart shaped leaves are dark green and slightly toothed on the edges. Grows to 1-2 feet tall. The plant forms a clump from which several plants grow after a couple of years. It blooms in spring and fall. USDA ZONES 4-7

Be the first one to write a review $8.99 IBP111 Quantity:
IBP Giant Water Clover - Marselia macrocarpa

Similar to Water Four-leaf Clover except that the leaves are bright green and somewhat larger than those of its cousins. The leaf edge is shallowly crenate.In the pond it can be planted directly into "pockets" of gravel. (1-2" of water). Could also be planted in shallow rtays or a 10" pan to create a mass effect. ZONE 7

Be the first one to write a review $3.99 IBP087 Quantity:
IBP Giant Water Snowflake - Nymphoides indica

The leaves grow up to 12 inches in diameter and are fleshy. The flowers arise from under the leaves and are considerably larger than those of other Nymphoides. ZONE 8

Be the first one to write a review $17.99 IBP067 Quantity:
IBP Marsh Betony - Stachys palustris

Fast growing plant with coarsely textured leaves. Spreads by means of underground stems, which do seem to have a particular talent for getting into everything. Best when used in a contained area, or if you have a large area where it can naturalize. This is a reliable bloomer and is winter hardy in most areas.

IBP Marsh Betony - Stachys palustris
Average rating:
average rating 100%
$4.99 IBP156 Quantity:
IBP Rosy Camphorweed - Pluchea rosea

A tall bog plant with slightly fuzzy leaves. It stands 2 to 4 feet tall. It has a large "head" of small vase shaped, pink flowers, sometimes leaning toward lavender. The foliage is aromatic, some might say ill-scented. Plant it where it will remain undisturbed. Prune old flowers as they finish to avoid getting too many seedlings. Forms a nice, long lasting display of pink flowers through most of the summer.

Be the first one to write a review $7.99 IBP051 Quantity:
IBP Sagittaria lancifolia - Green Stemmed

Lance shaped leaved 4 to 6 inches long are held on stems 2 to 6 feet tall. Large, white flowers are held on stems 5 to 6 feet high. The plants form clumps which can become quite large. Dividing these clumps every couple of years is the most reliable way to propogate them.

Be the first one to write a review $6.99 IBP034 Quantity:
IBP Spider Lily - Hymenocallis sp.

A native of the west Indies. Numerous long (up to 3 feet) leaves grow from a globose bulb. Large, fragrant, white flowers are borne in clusters of 6 to 12 on 2 to 3 foot stems. Each flower has narrow, curved petals and a central toothed cup about an inch deep. Propagation is by runners or seeds. Flowers in March & April. ZONE 8 Bulbs winter over indoors. ie: basement ect.

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IBP Taro - Green Leafed - Colocasia esculenta

Typical green, sagitate leaves. Stems are also green. Will grow to several feet tall with large leaves when in the right place. Great for a no muss, no fuss tropical look. Reproduces by runner and eventually forms colonies. Makes insignificant creamy yellow flowers. Zones 9-11 ***** Sorry, but we can't ship this item to Puerto Rico, Hawaii.*****

Be the first one to write a review $5.99 IBP007 Quantity:
IBP Taro - Violet Stemmed - Colocasia esculenta 'Fontanesii'

A Taro with green leaves and dark violet colored stems. Leaves become quite large. A striking accent in brightly lit areas and in shady corners as well. Flowers are creamy yellow. Plant in moist soil or up to 6" of water over crown. Prefers full sun to part shade. They can be overwintered like house plants in cold climates. To winter over indoors place pot in a shallow tray of water in bright light. Zones 9-11.***** Sorry, but we can't ship this item to Puerto Rico, Hawaii.*****

Be the first one to write a review $7.99 IBP008 Quantity:
IBP Thalia geniculata

This is the red-stemmed cousin to the standard Thalia. IT grows to a slightly greater height, on average, and produces larger leaves. Stems are bright red at their bases, giving way to green at some point above the base of the leaf. Flowers are identical to those of T. dealbata. Zones 9-11.

Be the first one to write a review $10.99 IBP122 Quantity:
IBP Water Sensitive Plant - Large leaf - Aeschynomene fluitans

Also called Joint Vetch. Related to the terrestrial sensitive plant, and identical to the small leaf Water Sensitive Plant, except that this plant has larger leaves. This aquatic plant stays on the surface of the water with small 'floats' that it creates on the stem. Small leaves are arranged in oblongs on the stem, and react to movement and touch by 'closing' the leaves. Leaves also close at night, or when the weather is colder. Has yellow sweet pea-like flowers. Excellent as a showpiece plant, or to create interest in gardens and plants in children.

Be the first one to write a review $14.99 IBP159 Quantity:
IBP Water Sprite - Broadleaf - Ceratopteris sp.

Water Sprite, Ceratopteris thalictroides, is one of the most beautiful plants in the aquarium. It is also one of the easiest to grow. A planted specimen will reach the tank's surface and produce numerous offspring right on the leaves. The offspring can be planted immediately to start the process over. Floating colonies of small plants provide excellent coverage for baby fish. Leaves are fern-like, heavily incised on the margins, bright green, and can reach lengths of a foot, or more. Can be accomodated to any size aquarium, but larger tanks can hold large, beautiful, lush specimens.

Be the first one to write a review $6.99 IBP102 Quantity:
IFP Water Hyacinth - Eichornia crassipes

Large clusters of large lavender flowers are held above the plant, which consists of a bunch of rounded leaves floating on hugely inflated stems. Excellent spawning medium for Koi, and makes great compost.

**Shipping Restrictions**

IFP Water Hyacinth - Eichornia crassipes
Average rating:
average rating 100%
$3.49 IFP012 Quantity:
IHL Nymphaea 'Attraction'

An old favorite among pond keepers, this is one of the brightest reds, which is well set within a ring of white sepals. Always reliable and well suited to medium to large ponds. USDA ZONES 4-11.

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IHL Nymphaea 'Barbara Dobbins'

Robust growth with lots of flowers. Leaves are bright green; flowers, pale peach-colored, darker near the base. A lovely plant with much to offer to owners of medium-sized to very large ponds. USDA ZONES 3-11.

Be the first one to write a review $26.99 IHL011 Quantity:
ILOT Nelumbo 'Perry's Giant Sunburst'

Nelumbo sp. "Perry's Giant Sunburst" It has large, pleasantly fragrant, butter yellow blossoms that are held well above large leaves. It is easy to grow for beginners and will likely bloom in its first season. USDA ZONES 4-9. Lotus are winter hardy to Zone 4 when pots are below frost line.

Be the first one to write a review $37.99 ILOT009
potting soil for water plants
JRS Just Right Soil for Water Plants - 8 quart

For the purpose of initial potting or seasonal re-potting of Water Plants. For vigorous plants and beautiful flowers all season. This is our custom potting mixture, used by us in our business for over 35 years. Our plants won awards for Best Water Plants in a Landscape Contractor's Garden Display at the Del Mar Fair for over 20 years.

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PS Gro-Power Fertilizer Tablets (12 pack) - Flower Formula

3-12-12 Ratio - Flower Formulation
7 gram planting tablet designed for 2 to 4 month release. Components of tablets allow for breakdown within all soil mediums. May be used in new plantings, existing plants, containers, water plants. 2-4 Month Release 35.00% Humus, 7.00% Humic Acids, Micronutrients

Be the first one to write a review $6.99 Quantity:
PS Gro-Power Fertilizer Tablets (12 pack) - Growth Formula

12-8-8 Ratio - Growth Formulation
7 gram planting tablet designed for 12 month slow release. Components of tablets allow for breakdown within all soil mediums. May be used in new plantings, existing plants, containers, water plants. Tablets may also be used when re-potting. 12-8-8 Formulation 20% Humus, 4% Humic Acids Micronutrients

Be the first one to write a review $6.99 Quantity:
PS Gro-Power Fertilizer Tablets (24 pack) - Flower Formula

3-12-12 Ratio - Flower Formulation
7 gram planting tablet designed for 2 to 4 month release. Components of tablets allow for breakdown within all soil mediums. May be used in new plantings, existing plants, containers, water plants. 2-4 Month Release 35.00% Humus, 7.00% Humic Acids, Micronutrients

Be the first one to write a review $12.99 Quantity:
PS Gro-Power Fertilizer Tablets (24 pack) - Growth Formula

12-8-8 Ratio - Growth Formulation
7 gram planting tablet designed for 12 month slow release. Components of tablets allow for breakdown within all soil mediums. May be used in new plantings, existing plants, containers, water plants. Tablets may also be used when re-potting. 12-8-8 Formulation 20% Humus, 4% Humic Acids Micronutrients

Be the first one to write a review $12.99 Quantity:
PS Gro-Power Fertilizer Tablets (3 pack) - Flower Formula

3-12-12 Ratio - Flower Formulation
7 gram planting tablet designed for 2 to 4 month release. Components of tablets allow for breakdown within all soil mediums. May be used in new plantings, existing plants, containers, water plants. 2-4 Month Release 35.00% Humus, 7.00% Humic Acids, Micronutrients

Be the first one to write a review $1.99 Quantity:
PS Gro-Power Fertilizer Tablets (3 pack) - Growth Formula

12-8-8 Ratio - Growth Formulation
7 gram planting tablet designed for 12 month slow release. Components of tablets allow for breakdown within all soil mediums. May be used in new plantings, existing plants, containers, water plants. Tablets may also be used when re-potting. 12-8-8 Formulation 20% Humus, 4% Humic Acids Micronutrients

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Large Ponds / Lakes -